The Source of Wellness
Smile Mantras
The main feed from Smile Mantra team which will be updated with dental and cosmetic information, industry updates, news and our interests.
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My Tooth has Cracked! Ouch!
Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS) is like a greenstick fracture where a tooth has incompletely cracked, but no part of the tooth is completely broken yet and can be notoriously difficult to diagnose clinically.
Picture Perfect Smile Without Braces
Orthodontic treatment with braces can be done at any age if the person is healthy, and the teeth and supporting bone are in good condition.
Why Replace a Missing Teeth?
‘It’s just a painful tooth. Please remove it!’ Or ‘I have so many teeth. Why should I replace one missing tooth that’s not even visible?’
Why Treat A Decayed Milk Tooth
Just like permanent teeth, it is very important to prevent decay and fill or treat decay in milk teeth as early as possible.
When Is Root Canal Treatment (RCT) Necessary?
The earlier a decay is treated, the better. It is less expensive to get your tooth filled that get Root Canal Treatment done in later stages.