My Tooth has Cracked! Ouch!

Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS) is like a greenstick fracture where a tooth has incompletely cracked, but no part of the tooth is completely broken yet and can be notoriously difficult to diagnose clinically.
Your teeth are incredibly strong, but they can still fracture, chip, and break.

There are many patients walking in with a cracked tooth these days especially due to the high levels of stress and habits like clenching or grinding their teeth. Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS) is like a greenstick fracture where a tooth has incompletely cracked, but no part of the tooth is completely broken yet. A crack in the tooth or root can be notoriously difficult to diagnose clinically or even with a two-dimensional x-ray and a CBCT scan might be prescribed. Some cracks are often not visible in a CBCT either.

treatable and non treatable cracked tooth

If not involving the pulp, the cracked portion can be restored but unfortunately, most cracked teeth are diagnosed only when patients become symptomatic. Often it involves the pulp of that tooth that contains nerves and causes pain. Symptoms are a sharp pain when biting with the tooth or while having hot, cold or sweet food and drinks; pressure or discomfort. Depending on the extent of tooth structure involved, the tooth can be either treated or removed. When a small portion of the tooth above the root is cracked, root canal treatment with or without a post and a crown can be given.  If the crack extends to the root, most often the tooth will unfortunately have to be removed.

Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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My Tooth has Cracked! Ouch!

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